Spread Your Word in the community

Helping people who help people If you have spend any time at all on my website, or if you have ever met me, I hope that you have picked up on my biz/life mantra, which is help people, who help people, help more people. Well, to that end I am beyond excited to be...

Experience is the best teacher

I recently attended a small business marketing event put on by my local Chamber of Commerce, and was even fortunate enough to be asked to sit in on the panel discussion that took place after the keynote speaker. What struck me as so encouraging about the situation was...

Marketing Toolkit – B is for Brand

B is for Brand. What’s in a brand?It is difficult to choose one key marketing tool for the letter B because there really are so many… blogging, bounce-rates, just to name a few. However in the grand scheme of things, if I have to choose just one...

Creating a Marketing Toolkit

Marketing is really all about doing a lot of little things, that in the end add up to a desired result. Lots of us underestimate exactly how much work goes into doing even the ‘simplest’ of marketing tactics, or how much work SHOULD go into each activity....

Is your website really working for you?

Importance of Tracking the Performance of Your Website A lot of businesses begin they foray into the world of  web marketing by will launching a website, but fail to put any kind of tracking on them. This is okay in the very beginning stages of launching a website,...